It's been a ridiculously long time since I posted a post. And honestly I have no excuses to give other than the fact that I've been lazy and a tad uninspired. That being said, I think it's time to get back on track and get this sucker going again aaand maybe in a little bit different way.
No, I'm not switching over to talking about music [mostly because I listen to music I like and am not overly discerning in that area] but I do think I might add TV to ye olde list of things to be reviewed. There are some pretty impressive shows out there right now, mainly on fancy American cable channels, but that doesn't make them any less awesome. Actually, as a Canadian, anything from a fancy American cable channel is instantly more cool, we're susceptible to that kind of peer pressure from southernly neighbours [with a u!] that way.
I think I'll also start talking more about trailers, mostly 'cause I think they are often hilarious, even though they're really not trying to be. But not to worry, I'll still be chatty [and you know how chatty I can be! *wink*] about movies too! That's going to be our bread and butter still! Until next time, get to the theatre!