Sunday, May 08, 2011

Welcome new readers!

Taking a brief reprieve from reviews [since I'm going to 'Thor' tomorrow!] I thought I'd do a post to address all you folks you seem to have started reading. Hi! Nice to see you here, thanks for dropping by and seeing what I have to say!
I've noticed a big jump in readership in the last little while, which I find both amazing and alarming. Amazing; because I have no idea who all of you are, [but am still super happy that you're here] and alarming because sometimes I don't think I'm doing the movies justice, and I have a tendency to ramble on about things that matter only to me. Although those things must matter to a few of you as how 3D is the worst and I wish it would just go away already.
Another little thing I wanted to address is the tendency for my reviews to be generally favourable. There's a good reason for this, and it's not that I like every movie, far from it. But since I have no financial backing for this little project other than my regular job, I really only go to see movies that I think I will like. I mean, think about it, would you really shell out $13 to sit through something you already knew you weren't going to like? If the answer is anything other than no, you're some kind of crazy masochist. Sure, sometimes movies disappoint me, but those trailer making people can be very tricky.
With all that being said there are A LOT of movies coming out this summer that I'm really looking forward to seeing, and I'm sure all of you are as well. So hopefully you folks will be stopping by ye olde blog to see if a movie is worth your time or not, and if you have similar tastes to me I will be sure to let you know! And I know not everyone has the same taste as me, but isn't that what makes life exciting!? So, if you disagree [or agree!] feel free to throw a comment down in the comments section, let's get our conversation on!
Upcoming posts this week will be my late [as per usual] April trailer wrap-up and my review for 'Thor' which I will be seeing for my matinee tomorrow, who knows, maybe I'll see you there!! Until next time, Happy Mother's Day!

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