Saturday, February 05, 2011

Trailer Round-Up!

As promised here's a quick round-up of the trailers I saw during my January matinees. I ended up seeing all of these by my lonesome, so I missed one of the great parts of trailer time at the theatre, discussing with my movie buddy which trailers have enticed us to come back to theatre to see them! Here we go!

While I wasn't overly impressed with the 'Green Hornet' I DID like the trailers, well for the most part at least. I've been reading little snippets about 'Priest' for a while now, and had a general idea of what it was about, but now that I've seen the trailer, I'm totally down. I adore Paul Bettany, and Karl Urban, and movies set in dystopian futures. So needless to say, I'll be there!

There was also a trailer for Zack Snyder's [of '300' and 'The Watchmen' fame] next outing 'Sucker Punch'. It's full of chicks kicking ass, and while I'm a little wary on the "plot" of this one. She kills her dad and is sent to an asylum and there's a dystopian world she can access with the other girls? I think...But since I DO have an affinity for the dystopian AND Zack Snyder's awesome visual style, I'll probably see it anyways.
Then there was trailer for one of the movies I'm most looking forward to seeing this spring, 'Paul'. I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, ['Shaun of the Dead' and 'Hot Fuzz' are two of my favourite all-time flicks] and even though this outing is just them without Edgar Wright at the helm it still looks hilarious. Two British nerds touring America's alien hotspots find their very own extra-terrestrial, voiced by Seth Rogen, and hide him from some government agents. Throw in a little Jane Lynch and Kristen Wiig, yes please!
Then there was 'Battle: LA.' Meh. Aliens are attacking the United States. Again. There's a bunch of army guys in LA that need to fight them, except the aliens are seemingly invincible, blah, blah. Lots of explosions. Whatever. No thanks.

After 'The Green Hornet' I headed over to 'The Fighter' which also had an impressive selection of trailers and surprisingly only one repeat. First there was the Anthony Hopkins thriller 'The Rite,' which I'd already seen a ton of trailers for and had decided it wasn't up my alley. I like Hopkins and all, but all these 'evil' movies just end up being BORING.
Then there was another trailer for 'Battle: LA'. This was a different trailer than the one I'd seen just two hours earlier. And honestly, this trailer, with practically no dialogue, makes me almost want to see the movie. But I've seen the other trailer, so it's still a no.
The 'Blue Valentine' trailer was absolutely lovely and I have to say I'm surprised that I haven't seen it yet, I love me a good romantic drama.
Sophia Coppola's newest 'Somewhere' also looks wonderful. Stephen Dorff is hit and miss for me, I mean honestly, the only things I can remember him being in in the last little while are 'Blade' and that Britney Spears video. HOWEVER, this one looks great and pair him with Elle Fanning and I think we have a winner. At least that's what the trailer looks like, and that's the beauty of trailers, isn't it?
Last of the trailers for the day was 'The King's Speech'. Now I'm being a little biased, as I've now seen the whole movie. But it's much better than the trailer makes it out to be. Yes, it's the story of a royal with a speech impediment, but it's also so much more. But then again, there's only so much you can fit into a two-minute trailer. Do yourself a favour and see 'The King's Speech' there is a good reason it's winning all kinds of awards.
And speaking of 'The King's Speech' while I was watching it there only two measly trailers. And sadly ones I'd already seen; 'The Rite' and 'Somewhere'. However, watching them again reinforced that I do want to see 'Somewhere' and I don't want to see 'The Rite'.
That's it for January! I'll be back at the end of February, or if this post is an indicator, in early March, with my round-up of the trailers I saw in February.
Now I need to plan my matinee for tomorrow!

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